He came with us to this house he was still a baby. I remember when I first laid my eyes on him; he was sloppy with his floppy ears, his fast tail and those sad eyes I felt in love with him at the first sight. He was named after a Tornado, like the one he was. This happened at a mall somewhere around the Quaker Town. He came in a box, he was supposed to make me company while B wasn’t at home, we lived far away from the city, in the suburbs at Harleysville. To go to school I had to ride my bike some miles, park it in a supermarket and then take a bus. Because everything was so far away I need “someone” to count on to make me company. He had two other “brothers” Friday and Wednesday (two albino ferrets), but we couldn’t have them for a long time.
He was this little Tasmanian devil with an strong bark, Friday used to grab a part of his mouth every time he tried to play with him. And Wednesday hide himself behind the couch and jumped on his back, trying to surprise him. Sometimes we had to lock him in the basement so he wouldn’t destroy the whole house, but he liked to nose around in the boxes full of crap and eat light bulbs, so dangerous but so funny to catch him with it in his mouth.

He learned me, he knew when I was sad, so he would seat with me on the couch, he used to come looking at me with his silly face and he would put his head on my lap and then lay down with his belly up so I would pat it. He loved it. I liked to do it too. And I learned him as well, he hated to get his pawns wet so he wouldn't go out in a rainy day so he always peed halfway the house thru the dog door, but he loved to play outside in the snow. So cute!
He was mean sometimes, like one day I tried to take from him a rug that he was eating and he bitted my thumb and punched a hole on it. It bled a lot; he knew he did something bad so he went downstairs to the basement and hided there until B came home, he knew it would be safer, cause I was really mad.
But he was a nice "guy" after all, he was a bit scared of other dogs but loved to have people around, he was always happy when we had parties and he would hang around as if he was one of the guys, telling the truth he was one of my guys. He was also a link to this time, to this past live, the one that just like him isn’t coming back anymore. I will miss you crabby but cool dog.
(Floyda doido playing in the snow)
3 comentários:
Mi, you smash my heart all the time. I will remember him as one of the guys too.
Cute and Lovely!
He was cute and lovely, he was one of the guys.
Thanks u 2
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