Agora que está feita não tem como voltar atrás e nem quero, com tantos simbolos de bom presságio e boa sorte e bom tudo de bom, espero que as coisas comecem melhorar daqui pra frente, pra quem estava curioso sobre o significado de cada coisa, ai vai...(só deu preguiça de traduzir tudo)
Crown - The crown has long been used as a symbol of royal power and authority. Like the sceptre, the crown is a visible badge of office, granting the wearer, it's possessor, the absolute right to rule. That authority to rule was often held to be divinely inspired. In the Christian tradition the garland of thorns placed on Christ's head during the ordeal of his crucifixion is know as the "Crown of Thorns". The centerpiece of any coronation of a new monarch is always the moment when the new King, Queen, or Emperor has the state crown placed upon their head. At that moment the power to rule is transferred to the new monarch.
As a tattoo symbol, the crown doesn't just mean the right of one person to command another. It symbolizes and individual's sovereignty over their own life, feelings, thoughts, and... more
As a tattoo symbol, the crown doesn't just mean the right of one person to command another. It symbolizes and individual's sovereignty over their own life, feelings, thoughts, and... more
Heart - A tattoo design standard. The heart tattoo, shaped like an inverted triangle, and meant to symbolize the pubic triangle, is a universal symbol of the feminine, often used as an expression of romantic love. Heart tattoos have been popular for well over a century. Heart tattoos with banners were very popular with Servicemen in WWII; tokens of their loved ones that accompanied them on perilous journeys to far-off theatres of conflict and a constant reminder of what they were fighting for.
Add "Mom" and you have a tattoo icon... more
Add "Mom" and you have a tattoo icon... more
Anchor - The Anchor tattoo is a design that has been a fixture of modern western tattooing for the better part of two centuries, and has even more ancient symbolic roots going back several millennia. The anchor is a favorite of individuals who are associated with marine or naval careers... An anchor tattoo can be thought of as holding one steadfast, like an anchor holding a great sailing ship safe in harbour, against winds and currents that might carry it astray... more
Rose – The Rose in the West represents what the Lotus does in the East. A symbol of love, but especially of a love that is pure. Because of the roses’ beauty, scent and shape, it is the ultimate floral symbol. Of all the flower tattoo designs, the rose is still the most popular and the most... A symbol of passion, chastity, and purity, the rose reigns supreme as the most beloved of flowers... more
Bluebird - The bluebird -- like the swallow with which it’s often associated -- is a favourite nautical symbol of good luck. As a nautical tattoo design, the bluebird has sometimes been mistaken within popular culture for the swallow, or swift, and the two very different species of birds have quite similar colouring, with bright accents of blue and orange, verging to both red and yellow. In mythology, the bluebird is the universally acknowledged sign of happiness, prosperity, good health, and the arrival of spring. The beautiful blue of its plumage is associated with the sky and eternal happiness. Unlike the swallow, it does not have a 'dark' side. In magical symbology the bluebird represents confidence. And in the Valentine myth, the Bluebird is a ‘man of laughter’ and symbolizes happy love...more
But if you whish it also/or could be: Swallow - The swallow, like the bluebird, is a symbol of hope. As a nautical tattoo design, the swallow has been sometimes mistaken within popular culture for the bluebird, and the two very different species of birds - the Barn Swallow and eastern Bluebird, to be exact - have quite similar colouring, with bright accents of blue and and orange, verging to both red and yellow. In ancient times, the swallow was associated with the 'imperishable' stars and the souls of the dead. According to Greek legend, secret texts told how to transform into a swallow, something the ancient deities liked to do. It was also a totem bird for sorrowing mothers who had lost a child. To kill a swallow was very unlucky, as the swallow carried the souls of children who had died. An ancient Egyptian artwork depicts a swallow on the prow of a barque as it enters the Underworld... more
Não sei se tudo é verdade, eu achei esse site e pensei que podia ajudar, pelo menos a inventar uma boa desculpa pra tatuar no corpo algum desenho..
(Rasga minha pele, tudo, por que sofre, porquê marca como marca meu rosto)
3 comentários:
Ficou linda!!!!!
a tatto tá linda, a simbologia é incrível, you're so hot I can't even stand it!
Thank u girls, tsiiiiiiiiiiii!!!
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